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Обгрунтовано, що проблема збуту товарного виробництва вирішується шляхом появи маркетингу за рахунок створення ефективної системи ринкової взаємодії продавців і покупців. Виділено роль маркетингу в системі економічних наук та його об’єкт дослідження. Дано визначення маркетингу через його родові ознаки. Визначено чотири джерела походження маркетингу: меркантилізм, класична та неокласична політична економія, маржиналізм, інституціоналізм. Контсатовано, що в умовах діджиталізації економіки, Інтернет та інші цифрові канали змінюють форми і методи маркетингу. Відзначенно формування основ омніканального маркетингу. Окреслено напрями модернізації форм маркетингу.

Ключові слова: маркетинг, економічна наука, меркантилізм, політична економія, маржиналізм, інституціоналізм, омніканальний маркетинг.

The purpose of the article is to form evidence that marketing is an economic science. Marketing is an economic science that studies the problem of sales in the capital cycle, ie the issue associated with the transformation of the commodity form of the value of capital into the monetary form of the value of capital. Marketing in terms of commodity production solves the problem of sales in the capital cycle. The reason for the emergence of marketing is the emergence of the buyer’s market at the stage of mechanization of the industrial stage of commodity production. The subject of the study of marketing is the study of the problem of sales in the capital cycle. The essence of marketing is a support at the stage of sale of the continuity of the capital cycle. Marketing, like any economic sciense, is evolving, and the stages of evolution must be tied to the way goods are produced. Since the advent of classical marketing theory, the method of production has changed, so it is logical to assume that its periodization should change adequately. In the context of digitalization of the economy, the Internet and other digital channels are changing the forms and methods of marketing, the era of omnichannel marketing has come, the marketing of the XXI century. Marketing is the result of the development of four economic doctrines: mercantilism, classical and neoclassical political economy, marginalism, institutionalism. The genetic roots of marketing go back to the early stages of capitalism, and the evolution of marketing theory is intertwined with the evolution of economic theory. With the digitalization of the economy, the Internet and other digital channels are changing the forms and methods of marketing, the era of omnichannel marketing has come. Automation, targeting, personalization, video content, multimedia projects, online marketing research modernize marketing in form. But the mission of marketing remains the same as to solve the problem of sales in the capital cycle of enterprises. In the future it is necessary to study the evolution of the marketing paradigm taking into account the changes in technological systems during the XX-XXI centuries.

Keywords: marketing, economics, mercantilism, political economy, marginalism, institutionalism, omnic marketing.